Together We Rise – Spread the Word

Dear Wilmington,
I’d like to personally announce that after hearing from many of you, I have decided to seek the democratic nomination for Mayor of Wilmington, Delaware. This fall, our beloved city has an opportunity to set a new course – officially.
There is a march happening in Wilmington – a march of diverse, resounding voices. A march for justice. A march for lives to be valued over profit; for leaders more invested in improving neighborhoods than lining developers’ pockets. A march for a future where those in positions of power are held accountable to the people they are sworn to serve. There is a march happening, and the message is clear: enough is enough.
Wilmington has suffered enough oppressive, petty politics and abuse of power at the hands of those who don’t understand or care about the people of our city. Yet we rise with strength and resilience, ready to stand-up for change. This is your City – together, we will heal and reshape Wilmington into a place we can all once again be proud to call home.
This is our moment – let’s rise together.
Velda Jones-PotterCandidate for Mayor