Velda's Vision for Wilmington


  • City-wide Neighborhood Clean & Safe Teams
  • Establish a new Office of Neighborhood Development to work across departments to ensure the needs of individual neighborhoods are met
    • Staffing parks and public spaces to promote safe and inviting outdoor recreation
  • Youth Advocacy Programs
    • Youth violence prevention & intervention
    • Youth police academy & firefighters explorer programs
  • Deliver essential services of city government to all areas of the city
  • Proactive emergency and pandemic preparedness initiatives


  • Education
    • Increased quality of education for early childhood,  K-12, and Adult residents of our city
  • Mental Health and social services
    • Education Advocates to protect students rights and access to quality education
    • Access to technology for every student including laptops and internet
  • Apprenticeship & neighborhood job programs
    • Policies that encourage job training and local hiring
  • Youth and Family Services
    • Programs to help the families of Wilmington
  • Updating city facilities and infrastructure to promote environmental sustainability
    • Implementing smart-city technology
    • Lead and hazardous material removal


  • Provide resources to increase homeownership and reduce blight and vacancy
    • Programs to support new home buyers, existing residents, and prospective residents
    • Making equitable investment in all neighborhoods including parks, public spaces, and infrastructure
  • Support small business
    • Increasing access to capital for small businesses
    • Ensuring local businesses have a chance to thrive in Wilmington
  • Support local artists and cultural institutions
    • Promoting cultural affairs and activities to celebrate the rich, proud heritage of Wilmington’s diverse people
  • Policies that promote Social Justice and Economic Equity
    • New policies to ensure fairness, accountability, and transparency in all transactions involving public funds
    • Forums for citizen engagement to inform public policies
    • Investing in projects throughout the city to promote economic growth and positive return on investment
    • Partner with City Council to form a Judiciary Committee
    • Reform the structure of public-private partnerships to ensure they work for the benefit of the public
    • Eliminating aggressive, predatory, and selective enforcement policies